Chapters One to Twenty Six
Vignettes 1 - 140

Chapters 27 to
Vignettes 141 -

Monday, November 22, 2010

Vignette #88: Stupid

“The kid is his.” He said into the phone.

“It’s a lie, has to be.”

“It’s really his kid with a back up story that makes shooting Bambi’s mother look like a Mel Brooks farce. Took me two seconds to verify it.”

“Teflon. The man is made of Teflon.”

“Thankfully our take hadn’t leaked to the press yet.”

“That last thing we need is something else to make Justyn look like a martyr.” He heard the other party stirring on his end. “I’m beginning to think this guy is real.”

“No way and who cares. He’s either smart enough or stupid enough to keep ruining our plans.”

“I still vote for stupid.”

“Fortunately, we’re not the only one’s who want him gone.”

“The fat moron still gunning for him?”

“Subtly, but with a passion. Talk about stupid, his version of subtle is sequins without fur.”

“But he’s playing into our hands.”


“So we just continue the same track?”

He thought a moment. “I get the feeling if we push in the right direction Justyn will crack himself. The kid is definitely his Achilles heel. As long as he doesn’t find the other body, I think we’re clear.”

“Which reminds me, putting the garbage bag over the man’s head was a stroke of genius.”

“You sure no one will make the connection to the porno queen?”

“Won’t even make the papers. Looked like the guy was into some really kinky sex stuff that went wrong.”

“Be careful, with the boy now, there’s a bigger chance someone will catch you keeping tabs on every move.”

“No sweat. I’m a pro.”

“Still nothing we can use?”

“Unless you can figure out a way to make playing guitar in your underwear make the headlines of ‘Midnight Globe’, no. I tell ya, I got a feeling this guy really is squeaky clean.”

“The timing is all wrong, for us anyway. One way or another Ian Justyn is toast.”

“It needs to be soon. He’s getting too close, whether he knows it or not.”

“Just keep watching. We’ll get this done and then make our move before the dust settles. Hell, Justyn may even end up being the key that makes this whole thing work.”

“I still think we need someone in Justyn’s inner circle.”

“We tried that and you blew it.”

“Not my fault he’s straight.”

The wheels turned a moment. “Rare in this town, but may just work in our favor.”

“Something click?”

If they weren’t on the phone he could have seen the grin stretch across his face. “Oh yeah. I’ll get back to you.”

He hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. It squeaked as he put his hands behind his head. “Thank God for idiots.”

All he had to do was put all the characters in one room and let them kill each other. It would be risky, but it would work. While the battle raged he could move in and clean ‘em out while cleaning up the mess, then move out.

He laughed out loud. “I’ll bait and switch the biggest con in history.”

Of course, he had a back up plan, one his partner didn’t know about, and wouldn’t find out about until after he’d dumped his partner’s body. He’d never left a loose end before. He sure as hell wasn’t about to now.

“By the way, buddy.” He said reaching for and dialing the phone. “I’m about to have someone in that inner circle even dumber than Justyn himself.”

Two short rings and it connected.


“Clare, dear. It’s Bruno.” He said in his voice of insincere concern. “How are you feeling?”

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